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Data Wont Display in Bar Chart Or Any Other.

bar.PNGno data.PNGcombo.PNG



Can somebody please tell me where am i going wrong? I get a blank chart...

Labels (1)
7 Replies

Check that you actually loaded the data that you're trying to show in the chart. If you need more help then please post the .qvw file so we can look at it.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

Thank You. All sorted. Can you help me display this data and correct expression please?

NB! ------@@@@

My Project:

@Gysbert_Wassenaar wrote:

Check that you actually loaded the data that you're trying to show in the chart. If you need more help then please post the .qvw file so we can look at it.


My Project:

Display the total of "AUTHORISED AMOUNT" for all claims of which the "INCIDENT DATE" fell within the date range of each
Catastrophy start and end date (Excel Document 'Catastrophy Incidents'). If the "AUTHORISED AMOUNT" is R0, use the field "CLAIMED AMOUNT" as a value.
For this view, you should only include claims where the CLAIM STATUS is not equal to 'R' or 'Z'.

Use the Claims data to provide useful views.




SUM(if(timestamp#([incident date])>=Timestamp#([Start Date]) and timestamp#([incident date])<=TimeStamp#([End Date])

and [Authorized Amount] > 0, Authorized Amount] ,

if(timestamp#([incident date])>=Timestamp#([Start Date]) and timestamp#([incident date])<=TimeStamp#([End Date])

and [Authorized Amount] =0,[Claimed Amount]))



Can i expect a reply from you for my las Q please?

I'm not going to download random files from google. You can attach your qvw documents to this discussion.

And please be clear about what you need help with. I'm not going to copy what's already explained in the book you're using.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

You have quite a stinky attitude. If your not on here to assist whay are you doing or replying yo ones post?
The random links provide the full data. If you would have read and followed it Fool you would have seem 😞

I am willing to help, but within certain limits. My time is not unlimited and you're not paying for it. So I want to spend my time effectively.

Another limit is that I don't want to download files from sources that I don't know I can trust. If you trust random links to what appear to be google drive files that's fine. It doesn't mean that I have to. I don't see any reason why you can't attach your file to this discussion. Unless it's so big that I wouldn't want to download it anyway.

I'm not sure what your last sentence means. If you're trying to call me a fool, then you'll have to be more explicit.

Have a nice day.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Not applicable

Hi @yrstruly,

Thank you for being a member of Qlik Community. Please keep in mind that this community is a professional, respectful, and friendly environment for Qlik users to collaborate and assist each other. Please treat others accordingly, as many members are volunteering their own time to assist others.

Regarding file downloads and external links: for security purposes, we advise all members to attach their files directly to their community posts instead of using third-party file hosting services. As Gysbert pointed out, we recommend community members do not click on links to externally hosted files, due to the risk of viruses, malware, phishing, and other unwanted side effects. 

Thank you for your understanding, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Qlik Community Team