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Fast export straight table CSV giving special characters

Hi, I have a pivot table and for some of the measures I have used repeat(char(160),5) to give some space but when I Fast export straight table CSV it gives special characters     Â. What can I do to aviod this.

Labels (1)
  • Chart

3 Replies

Open the csv with an editor like Notepad++ to see which data are really there. Tools like Excel have often very own ideas how to interpret any content ...

- Marcus


Its a organization laptop I cannot do that.


An extra installation with admin-rights is usually not needed because often there are such tools already installed or they could be taken from a company-portal (it's quite common within larger companies).

If this is really not possible you may just take the default Windows-editor Notepad which would already provide valuable hints and further you may copy & paste the appropriate parts into an Excel cell and using the inbuilt Excel functions to check the lengths or the char-index and so on. Also possible should be to use a web-service to investigate the content.

- Marcus