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Gauge chart - Having needle point to a categorized section based on results value

Hi, fellow Qlikers!

I'm having a hard time trying to accomplish the following result:

On my model, I have a table with the following attributes: clientID, product, period, grade, gradeGroup.

What I could do so far: Divide the gauge into numeric lsections (5,10,15...) and then have the needle point the highest grade count occurrence.

What I truly want: To create a Gauge KPI divided by gradeGroup, where the needle points to the section which had the highest number (not values) of assigned grades.

I'm thinking something along the lines of counting the number of grades, aggregated by gradeGroup. But it isn't working. 😞

It's driving me insane. I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything similar to what I want to do, just the regular "Numeric result, with numeric sections on the gauge".

IUsing the data in the attached file, the intended results would be something along the lines of: highest grade count belongs to gradeGroup 4. So the needle should point to "Section 4" on the gauge.


Is it possible?





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