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Contributor II
Contributor II

Getting Min timestamp from table data

Hi Folks,

I have below table data. I want to pick up Min(timestamp) against each cust. 

Debi1/12/2021 9:08
John4/10/2021 11:08
Debi1/14/2021 6:43
Alex3/3/2021 23:11
John1/16/2021 9:08
Sam1/17/2021 9:08
Sam1/18/2021 18:28


Expected outcome 

Debi1/12/2021 9:08
John1/16/2021 9:08
Alex3/3/2021 23:11
Sam1/17/2021 9:08


So basically I want to show what is oldest transaction time against each customer. I tried various option like using 

timestamp(aggr(min(TimeStamp),Cust),'YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') but it is not calculating correctly. Any ideas ?




@jagan @sunny_talwar 

2 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

as per the timestamp provided above, for some reason why i was not able to convert to timestamp, it gave wrong output. so i used makedate and maketime functions recreated the date & time and applied timestamp to get the correct output. applying min on this derived column gave the output. 

try this:

=Min(timestamp (MakeDate(
trim(subfield(SubField(Timestamp,' ',1),'/',3))
,trim(subfield(SubField(Timestamp,' ',1),'/',1))
,trim(subfield(SubField(Timestamp,' ',1),'/',2))
) +
subfield(SubField(Timestamp,' ',2),':',1)
,subfield(SubField(Timestamp,' ',2),':',2)


If your timestamp is correctly read as timestamp (meaning it is dual field with numeric value), you can just create a chart with Cust as your dimension and use TimeStamp(Min(Timestamp)). If it is not read as timestamp, then I suggest fixing that in the script using TimeStamp#() function

TimeStamp(TimeStamp#(Timestamp, 'M/D/YYYY hh:mm')) as Timestamp