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Contributor II
Contributor II

QlikSense: Search in a table already loaded, if there is renewal of an Order

Good afternoon.

I have a table that contains the history of Orders sold of different products. These Orders have an expiration date, after which, the Product must be renewed.

How can I get information on whether the Product was Renewed, after the Expiration date?

The fields that I have are:

IdOrden: it is a unique value, it is not repeated

Order Processing Date

Expiration Date of the Order

Unique Identifier of the Product (IUP): this field is repeated in the different registers of the same product (in the original order and in the successive renewals)

Is there a function within the board that handles the tables created in the load, that allow me to do this?

I appreciate the help you can give me.


5 Replies

Where can the renewal dates be found?

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Contributor II
Contributor II

The Renewal date is the Processing Date of the renewal order for the same IUP.

It is a new record in the Orders table.


And does that record have a field with the expiration date too? If that's the case you can simply compare the two fields when you load the data or use a chart expression that selects the records where the renewal data is larger than the expiration date. Something like count({<IdOrden={"=[RenewalDate]>[ExpirationDate]"}>}IdOrden)

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Contributor II
Contributor II

To explain it with an example, the format of the table would be something like this:


IdOrdenProductProcessing DateIUPExpire DatePrice

It can be renewed within 45 days before 45 days after the expiration of the original license

Contributor II
Contributor II

I will try with the expression you mention to me, Thank you!

Also, in addition to totals, I need to create a detail table where only the Orders that were Renewed appear.

I understand that this is only bringing the records that have the same IUP in another record with a date greater than the expiration date.