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Contributor III
Contributor III

Relative path ODBC in QlikSense

Hi all,

Am trying to convert existing dashboards from qlikview to qliksense.

In the script in Qlikview i'm using the following  (sample) code:

// set variable path based on variables
SET v2Path = $(v2Server)$(v2Vestiging)\$(v2Locatie)\$(v2KlantNummer)\$(v2Jaar);

// connect to database, patch based on variables

OLEDB CONNECT32 TO [Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=Administratie_Links;Extended Properties="DSN=Administratie_Links;UID=;SourceDB=$(v2Path);SourceType=DBF;Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=Yes;Collate=Machine;"];

This works great

But.... in Qliksense i don't get it working. Adding a new connection let me make the following scriptcode, but i can't set the path (sourceDB) anywhere?

//In Qliksense for connecting the ODBC server / file

LIB CONNECT TO 'Administratie_Links';

Anyone how to fix this? I found different solution for Qlikview on solving this problem, but none for Qliksense?

Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

In Qlikview - OLEDB, in QlikSense connecting with - ODBC ?

Check this:

Contributor III
Contributor III

Bala, thanks for your answer.

I realize that i need to give more information.

The database which i want to connect is a FoxPro Database.

I use a ODBC-connection (created in Windows ODBC 32 bit) with 32 bit Foxpro driver.

In Qlikview (and Sense) i use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (32 bit).

In Qlikview i started using the OLE DB with ODBC drivers because it gives the possibility to add the relative path (not possible when using the ODBC directly as fas as i know...

Is the problem more clear with this information? Hopefully someone knows the solution.