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Resizing a straight table


How can I resize the the table object when working in QlikSense? The problem that I have is that there are certain fields that contain more data than other fields, and I want to resize certain columns so that I can give more space to the fields that contain more data (e.g description) and limit the space that I give to fields that have very short data like numbers.

9 Replies

Afaik it's not possible to resize individual columns of a table object in Qlik Sense. The sizing is done automagically.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
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Hi Gysbert,

So there is no way to make the table fit my data fields? Because for some fields the sentences get cut off which is really bad for me. Are there other ways to display text from a data field rather than using a straight table?

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi Yun

There is no possibility to adjust column width in QlikSense at the moment.

Table size (also column width) is changing dynamically in accordance which kind of screen (size) you use.




Hi Yun,

See attached video named sentence.mp4 - is your example functioning like you see in the video?

The responsive nature of Qlik Sense causes objects to resize themselves according to the resolution, form factor and/or device.

If you hover over the test - you will get a tool tip with the complete text:

If you require more assistance or are having different results, please provide screen captures and additional information, possibly sample data an app - if you can.

Please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT / HELPFUL so our team and other members know that your question(s) has been answered to your satisfaction.


Mike Tarallo


Mike Tarallo
Not applicable

HI Miichael,

Yes that is the behaviour that it was exhibiting. Just that I have 2 columns with text and the table decides to make one column wider than the other and the other column with the text is limited to a small space and can only be properly read with a mouse over. Is that how the resizing is done in Qlik Sense?


Also, I have 113 entries under a certain category, but the table is only showing 11 and I can't scroll down to see more rows of data, is that normal as well?

Sorry for the multiple edits, I fixed the second problem


Hi Yun, let me see what our products team says about this.


Mike Tarallo
Contributor III
Contributor III

I hope Qlik fixes this.  I understand them wanting the table/report to be responsive.  But sometimes I want my columns to be fixed and don't care that it might not look perfect across multiple device types. 

In my table, I have 5 columns.  Column 2 and 3 have important, long data that I want to be easily readable.  Column 4 is my measure and column 5 is anecdotal info that I don't care if it wraps.  However, as you explain above, Column 5 is wide and looks nice where as columns 2 and 3 are narrow with long text wrapping.  I'd prefer to be able to set the width of columns 2 and 3 and let the other columns be dynamic.  I think this is better than having the importation text unreadable and/or having to move the important things to the right.


Hello Scott - adding plu‌ to this - just so he sees your request and concern. In the mean time - I can only offer a solution that uses extensions - where you can create your own type of table object. If you are skilled in JavaScript and HTML and know some basic web design you can create an object to be used with Qlik Sense.

There is a video here that gives a brief example here: Qlik Sense - The Developer Hub (video) and a series that goes deeper here: Integration and Mash-Ups and API (videos)

You may want to learn about extension objects here and our developer exchange network as well: Qlik Sense - Introduction to Extensions (video)

Let us know how you do.

Please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT / HELPFUL so our team and other members know that your question(s) has been answered to your satisfaction.


Mike Tarallo


Mike Tarallo
Contributor III
Contributor III

Thanks.  I'll give that a try.