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Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Show hide column Pivot table using value list

I'm trying to show difference of column values in pivot table.

I am using value list in dimension and only one measure with conditional if statement.


Please assist.

My issue is I am unable to show difference of column values (for first values in value list ) as it is unable to capture in variable and shows 0 under column "Two".

As shown below in column "Two" for May-19  it is showing 0 but should  be 90-100  i.e -10 to be displayed likewise for Jun-19 it would be 20-90 which is -70 to be displayed under column "Two" for Jun. Basically it is showing difference in column "Two" based on column "One". Ex: For May in column "Two" values is coming from   May value (90) in column "One" minus Apr value(100)  in column "One".

2. Is it possible to hide Apr-19 under column "Two".


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