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Time-Period with values as ‘YTD’,’MTD’,’QTD’,’WTD’ by using Set Analyses

I am new learner in QlikSense. Could you please help me out, how to solve below:

  1. Create a filter named Time-Period with values as ‘YTD’,’MTD’,’QTD’,’WTD’, filter for Month, Quarter,Week.
  2. Create the line chart to show the sales that changes as per your YTD, MTD, QTD, WTD selections. Dimension should dynamically change as per the selection for eg:
    1. For YTD, dimension should show values like MMM-YY
    2. For MTD, dimension should show values like Day numbers
    3. For QTD, dimension should values like MMM-YY under the selected quarter
    4. For WTD, dimension should show values like Day names
  3. Create a KPI which shows consolidated values as per time-period selection :
    1.  ignore the selection for Month,Quarter,Week when YTD is selected,
    2. Ignore the selections for Year/Quarter/Week when MTD is selected
    3. Ignore the selections for Month/Quarter/Week when QTD is selected
    4. Ignore the selections for Year/Quarter/Month when WTD is selected
  4. Create a column to get the dates in the format MMM YYYY. Use this as a filter and create a chart which shows you the rolling 12 months sales basis the selection in this column.
  5. Create a map to show the sales for each of the customer regions
  6. Create a sheet wherein you have two charts to work on comparative analysis to show the sales and quantities of orders on dual axis. These chart should give the details of 2 products each in 1 chart. Allow the selection of the column Year on both the charts.
  7. Create a table which gives you the details for sales for all the products. Ignore the selection of Products on this chart
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