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Use Chart to Pull Up Sub Chart

Hi You Fine Qlik Community People,

I have a question on using a chart to pull up "sub charts" once expanded. I have a CEO Dashboard that I would like a single metric across the whole company, but then when he opens up the chart it will allow him to inspect the separate divisions. I believe that Dynamic Views might be the way to go, but instead of having him select the separate divisions, I would like for them to just be there (if that makes sense). I'd like for him to be able to click the PPP - Total chart and then somehow bring up the sub divisions. Is this even possible? I have thought about creating another sheet with the other PPPs on them and including a text box with a link to them but hoped for a more elegant solutions. Thanks, as always, Community!





1 Reply

You should be able to accomplish something close to this funcationality using the Multi KPI chart object that comes with the Qlik Visualization bundle.
1. Create your gauge chart, without a dimension. Then save it as a Master Item.
2. Create a Dimension Master Item and define it as a Drill Down and add your Company dimension followed by your sub-Division field (this will need to be in 2 separate fields and reflect the relationship between company and divisions).
3. Drag the Multi-KPI into a sheet
4. For Dimension, use the Dimension Master Item from Step 2
5. For the Measure, type in ='Drag and Drop Here'
6. For the Master Items Visualization list, drag and drop the gauge chart from step one to the Multi-KPI object in your sheet and drop it on 'Drag and Drop Here'
7. It should display the chart for the whole company. When you select the company, it should display charts for each divisions.

That's the basics.  There are many formatting options in the Multi-KPI object that you can use to adjust the look and feel.

This might not be the exact behavior you describe, but it is a start and probably the closest thing you can do in Qlik Sense out of the box.