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create button to switch apps

Hi Team,

I want to create a button in my Sub app which would redirect to main app.

i am hardcoding Acceptance environment URL in button so it moves to main app in acceptance environment itself.

issue is , when this app is moved to production environment and someone clicks on button it redirects to Acceptance.

my requirement is : in acceptance environment  button should redirect to acceptance and in production environment button should redirect within production environment

how can i achieve this ? 


@sunny_talwar  is there any function in qlik to identify environment?



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1 Reply


1. easy solution is while migrating apps to PROD environment use the PROD appid's in Button every time you do migration. And when you bring app to your Work stream change the app i'ds as per your work stream. Yes this is too much manual work.

2. Other option is Try to check options (Qlik provided functions) to get the environment name like this
IF(environment='PROD', PROD appid, OtherAppid) in button.

Hope this helps!!