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double values

Hello everyone,

I have a weird one. 

So I am building a straight table.

In this table 1 dimension is acting really weird.

So I need to display the weight that came from the field (gem_gewicht)

But because one dimension has 2 same values but not in every dimension, it adds up the numbers automatically.

And it should just display the true value coming trough based on the article.

I provided a picture. the result for the selection on the collumn (gewicht) should be half of what it is displaying.

any ideas?

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5 Replies

I am not completely clear on what you are trying to accomplish.

Is "gewicht" a dimension or measure?
Why is "gewicht" expected to be 0.545 per line?

If you can provide a sample app, it would be easier to explain why the result is as it is.


First of all, thank you for the reply.

Secondly, the "gewicht" vale is a value that comes from the database. It is an absolute field that doesn't require calculation. In the database this field displays the weight of a certain product (Artikel). That weight has to be displayed in the table as I mentioned before. Right now what happen is, Qliksense finds 2 "Artikel" fields with the same value and adds up the weight. For example: If the weight of Product A = 1.02. We sort on level "niveau", product A is found on level 1 and level 0. So 2 fields with the same value. Qliksense interprets this and adds up the values. Wich means Product A is displayed twice, once with level 1 en once with level 0. However the weight of each is now 2.04. So there is an add up of this value because it is double. That shouldn't happen. Qliksense should display the absolute weight of the product, even if the Product shows up twice.

Hopefully this explains it a bit more.

I reattached the sample for reference. Now the weight is 1.09, but it should be half.


I am still not completely clear what the data and chart setting look like.

If you validate the loaded data by only looking at the weight field, has it been stored in Qlik with same values as in your data source? Or does the data model contains multiplied weight value?

What does your data model look like? Is the weight field in different data island than other chart values?

How is the table column gewicht defined. Dimension or measure? If measure what is the definition?
Contributor III
Contributor III



I think I'm having the same issue, no idea why. This table is sourced from an xlsx file and is exactly equal to the first three columns of the file (fourth column is the QS sum). Why the hell does it double up? Any idea? 





Contributor III
Contributor III

Found my error: somehow, I had duplicated part of my load script.