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how to delete strange character on qlikview like ​​

hello guys.

could somebody help me deleting  some strange characters "​" on qlikview files. they dont really appear in QVD but when i open the QVD file with Notepad ++ specifying encode in  AINSI and Language in VB, they appear.

i tried to delete them in with purgechar or keepchar. they always there.

for example:

On QlikView it appear like this

De : yassine darwich <

Date : 6 avril 2018 à​​ 11:46

Objet : site de casa

but when i open the QVD file with Notpad++ it appear like this

De : yassine darwich <

Date : 6 avril 2018 à ​​ 11:46

Objet : site casa

you can see the strange characters !!

22 Replies

It means that the extraction of the timestamp from the text worked but the convertion from this string into a timestamp failed. This could for example happens if there is any difference between the applied format-string of 'D MMMM YYYY  hh:mm' to the string or if your main-variables (from beginning of your script) are set different to this format-string (long month-names missing or contain april instead of avril or something similar).

- Marcus


thanks again. is there any solution can i apply?

we are too close here . thank you so much for your support


Are respectively could the variables for the monthnames not properly specified then you could use the mapsubstring-approach from your example above. Further you need to be sure which chars are in your origin field - the copy & paste here to the community website and from there into an editor might change the output (changing the chars for linebreaks, removing multiple spaces and probably some more potential issues). And only with this knowledge you could apply the right formattings / cleaning measures.

Also possible but more expensive would be to cut with something like:

mid(replace(TextBetween(DescriptionStart,'Date :','Objet :' ), 'à', ''), n, n)

each relevant part from the string and creating with it a makedate() + maketime() and format it like you want.

- Marcus