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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Filte out emails with Filter List Block

Hi everyone,


I hope this message finds you well. The reason of my message is that I'm working on a business flow in which I have to send a PDF report to some recipients based on their plan. For example, I have four customers, three of whom have the LIGHT plan (ID Plan 1) and one who as the FULL plan. In this automation, I would like to send the report to only those who have the LIGHT plan. However, the filter list block does not quite filter out the one with has the FULL plan (ID Plan 2).


I am getting of the four emails from a table I have in a Qlik App which is correct.


The condition I have in the filter list is the following:


However, I still have four items after filtering them.


On the other hand, here are the values that are stored in the variable, which are the emails based on their plan.


The emails are sent, but the mail block fails with the following error, “You must provide at least one recipient email address.” Therefore, the filter list block does not really filter that one value out.


Could anyone guide me of how to properly use the filter list block please?


Thanks a lot!






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8 Replies

Hi @rolmontero 

Will check on this later today and see if i can assist you.

Best Regards

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Thanks a lot. I appreciate any help!


Hi @rolmontero ,

Need to do some more tests it doesn't work for me also currently.
To workaround this i think you can do the same with a condition block.


Hi @rolmontero 

Ok it worked for me after i deleted some of the blocks and reconfigured their settings, you might have the same issue.

Might be a caching one.

Maybe try to delete the filter list block re add it and re-configure it see if it works for you.

Another suggestion is that you might want to have the filter list block outside of the Get Straight 

Table data loop.

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi there!

Thanks for your help. I'm still trying to make the filter list work, but not yet. I created a new automation from the burst report template that sends a PDF to all the recipients from a straight table. This template uses a variable to store all the emails from the Qlik table, placed inside the table loop.

Based on this, I'm using the filter block inside the loop and before the variable so that I can store only three emails, leave one out, and finally send those PDFs files to the recipients. And again, That is how I believe it should work, but no.


Do you have the sample JSON that worked for you? I must be adding the wrong condition to the email variable.




Hi @rolmontero 

I am using a very basic condition in there to filter out "List Automations" for example.
If ownerId = x, filter the list for all automations owned by that user.

That worked for me.

If what you are saying is the case then why not use a simple condition statement instead of filtering a list inside a loop that iterates over the items of another loop?

Best Regards

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi again,

I used a simple if condition, in which I filtered all emails with ID 1 and excluded the ones with ID 2. Then, I stored those emails in the variable I later used to send the emails to each person. So far so good, however, the email block still shows the error "You must provide at least one recipient email address." It is like that block still considers the fourth email, which has ID 2.


Thanks a lot for your help!


Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi everyone,

For those who may have this issue as me I managed to resolve this problem by using an Excel file to fetch the recipients instead of the GET STRAIGHT TABLE block. I used an if condition and it worked fine; it sends the PDF file to only those with a particular ID.


Thanks for the help!