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What are the best practices to merge two dashboards with few of the tables and data sources are in common and both dashboard having exclusive tables?

I have to merge two Qlik view dashboards both with four tables in common and exclusive tables are also there in both dashboard.
Request you to kindly suggest the best way to merge the dashboard.
It will be very helpful for me to move further.
Tried to merge through binary load and fetching QVW one data model into another but getting the multiple tables in common and getting n number of synthetic keys.
Request you to please suggest on same.

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Contributor II
Contributor II

When merging two dashboards with common and exclusive tables/data sources, follow these best practices:

  1. Data Mapping and Consistency: Ensure consistency in data naming and structure across both dashboards. Map common data sources to unify the information seamlessly.

  2. Maintain Data Integrity: Validate and clean common data sources to prevent discrepancies. Address any inconsistencies or duplicates to maintain accuracy.

  3. Standardize Visualization Styles: Adopt a standardized visualization style across both dashboards for a cohesive user experience. Consistent color schemes, fonts, and layout contribute to a unified look.

  4. Use Parameters and Filters: Implement parameters and filters to allow users to customize views. This helps manage the inclusion/exclusion of specific data based on user preferences.

  5. Documentation: Clearly document the changes made during the merging process, including data source modifications and any new calculations. This aids in troubleshooting and future updates.

  6. User Feedback and Testing: Gather feedback from end-users and conduct thorough testing before deploying the merged dashboard. This ensures a smooth transition and identifies potential issues.

  7. Version Control: Implement version control practices to track changes and updates to the dashboards. This is crucial for collaboration and rollbacks in case issues arise.

By adhering to these best practices, you can effectively merge dashboards, maintaining data integrity, consistency, and a positive user experience.  more information visit our site