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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Custom DatePicker extension for selected dates

Hi Team,

Good evening,

I have a requirement that needs a date-picker with search for selected dates( dates are not consecutive).

Now i am using the SenseDateRangePicker which is not serving my purpose.

By default this extension implements the following search criteria (which searches the records between start date and end date)">=" + start.format(DateFormat) + "<=" + end.format(DateFormat))


     function  {



As per my requirement I want to extend/modify this search criteria to support searching of records only for the selected dates which are not contiguous.

For e.g. I want to search records only for the dates of 10th, 15th and 20th of the current month.

So is there any way to implement a search expression which takes only the array of selected dates?

Could you help us with:

1. DatePicker  Extension and any Expression change in the SenseDateRangePicker .

2. Is there any BackEndApi to be used for this purpose.

1 Reply
Master II
Master II

Not sure if I understood you correctly....

You are using Master Calendar dates for this?

How many date fields do you have to select with?

why not just use simple if condition and create a new field and not use continues date field?


Use Original Date field and not Master Date field


if(OriginalDate<>MasterDate,OriginalDate) as NewDate

In date range filter use NewDate?