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When you log in to QV-9 SR5 accesspoint we can see many OPEN WITH option like (a) IE plugin (b) Java client ( c) Ajax etc. From QEMC under source folder --under user document we can hide those for each document. In our case we just want IE plug in not anything else for all the accesspoint document. Is it possible to do for all user document at system level rather then doing one by one ?
You can´t remove the options, however, you can disable what opening option that should be active or not, if not active it will be greyed out on Access point. And then by default the one showing on My preferred client will be the one active.
I have to respectfully disagree. This is possible, but you need to modify the AccessPoint html file (C:\Program Files\QlikView\Web\index.htm) as well as the associated .js file. Open index.htm in notepad, and find the code starting at line 80, which should read:
<span id="Menu_OpenWith">Open with</span>:
<li><a href="#" id="Menu_Client_Plugin">IE Plugin</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="Menu_Client_Java">Java</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="Menu_Client_Ajax">AJAX zero footprint</a></li>
If you want to keep only the IE Plugin option, delete the last 2 <li> lines. So that the code would look like this:
<span id="Menu_OpenWith">Open with</span>:
<li><a href="#" id="Menu_Client_Plugin">IE Plugin</a></li>
Delete line 87, which should read:
<tr><td><a href="#" id="Menu_Download">Download</a></td></tr>
You would then need to delete the JavaScript references to the links so that no errors are thrown. Open QvAccessPoint.js in the same folder. Comment out the following lines: 45 - 60, 87 - 89. Replace line 38 with:
function UpdateClientsLinks(id, clients, is_favorite, plugin, favorite, target) {
Replace line 91 with:
UpdateClientsLinks(id, clients, is_favorite, plugin, favorite, target);
That should do it. Finally, make sure to set the default client to IE Plugin in QEMC --> System --> Web Servers --> AccessPoint tab.
In ma case, i should remove java from l'option "Open with" et from the list "PreferedClient".
I try your solution and il work. But do you know is it possible for remove "java" from the list "PreferedClient".
Well, no. Removing it from the list of preferred clients doesn't remove the option to open with that client (using the drop-down next to each app).