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Serious Issue on open document - Access Point

Dear All,

How do we disable the right click on the opened document on access point

It gives properties and other info like Document Support Information, which need not to shown to the client.

=== Document Info=========================

Document Name         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Authenticated User   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Client Platform            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

=== Object Cache Info=====================

Object Cache Limit (MB)             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

=== QlikView WebServerInfo ===============

WebServer             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

=== QlikView Server Info==================

Build Number           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

QlikTech ProductQlikViewServer 64-bit Edition (x64)

License Key            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CPU Target                            x64

=== Local System Info=====================

Operating System WindowsServer 2008 R2 Datacenter Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

What workaround can be done regarding disabling the right click ???



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