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I am getting some issue in doing Aggregation in expression.
My dimension is a calculated dimension but when I am aggregating it in the Expression I am not able to reduce the aggr field.
Please fine the attached excle file having the desired output and QV app for the code.
Do you need this in a text box object? Try this
=Num(Sum(Aggr(Sum({<Duration={'<=1'}>}[Amortised Book Value])*sum([AWAC Yield]), Category, [Company Name], [Security Name], [Maturity Date], Month))/Sum({<Duration={'<=1'}>}[Amortised Book Value]), '#.##%')
Hello, Please explain what you are trying to get here? Is it Column H from the Excel, you are trying to get the expression for?
I want 5.26% in the yield column against total row..
Do you need this in a text box object? Try this
=Num(Sum(Aggr(Sum({<Duration={'<=1'}>}[Amortised Book Value])*sum([AWAC Yield]), Category, [Company Name], [Security Name], [Maturity Date], Month))/Sum({<Duration={'<=1'}>}[Amortised Book Value]), '#.##%')
I need that in table subtotal only. But your expression had worked for me in that also.
Thanks for help...