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All posible values with '*' in Section Access

Hi Experts,

We are using Section Access (option --> Initial Data Reduction based in Section Access & strict exclusion) to reduce the data Users can access when opening our HR document in QV by Organizational Unit. We have defined ADMIN users that have access to ALL posible OrgUnits in the model and USER users that can access just to specified OrgUnits.

Section Access;






Section Application;

When opening the document in QV Desktop it works perfectly but when opening the document thru Access Point, the ADMIN users have no access, since users with ADMIN access are logged as USER in the access Point. The blank values in OrgUnit field is not valid for a USER.

How can we indicate int he section access that admin users have access to ALL posibles values of OrgUnit without using the blank value ¿? We tried the wildcard '*' but it means just the 'listed values in the section access'. Since new OrgUnits can be created daily and we can have more than 3000 values for them, we need a solution that dinamically sees the new OrgUnits created or than reduce to ALL posible values of a field.

Thanks in advance for your help,

3 Replies

Hi everybody,

Do you have ideas to resolve this question ?

I have exactly the same problem and I don't know how to resolve It.

I'm using QlikView V10, maybe it changes in V11 ?


Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi All,

I am facing the same problem in Version 11 also - any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Raajesh N


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