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I'm very new so excuse the basic question! I have a calculated column "CV" in a table (coefficient of variation). I have calculated CV as an expression rather than creating a field in the script because I am new at the company and dont have credentials to work in the shared environment yet so am running a local version and cant reload the script.
I want to take the average of all the CVs in the CV column, but I've tried avg([CV]) and =(Sum(TOTAL CV)/Count(TOTAL CV)) and lots of variations and I don't get any results.
Is there a way to (in a table, in a separate object, anywhere) take an unweighted average of a calculated column?
Thank you!
Can you explain other information about the table? Dimension, expressions,ecc...
can you attach a sample file or excel?
Change the total mode for the expression to average
...however for an Average you can try to enable in Expressions Tab of your straight table the Total Mode on "Avg of Rows"
Thanks for the response! The Total mode is greyed out and unchangable. Do you know how I can change that? I have attached an excel file with sample data.
Ah, the total option is suddenly available! I'll play with it and let you guys know.
Thank you!