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I'm able to show a table like this
I would like to add a new column with the budget ... but I don´t have this data in any DB available. What I need is show an empty column then the user will fill the values and save (insert/update) it to a external database (qvd or access database or a DB2 table).
Which are the Best Practices and recommendations to do a task like this ?
Any kind of help will be apreciated
Thank you very much
In a straight table I've used INPUTSUM() ... but It's hard to add this new input field in my data model.
Take a look at INPUTFILED function
Load * Inline [
You can able to enter data into Budget field through front end
A very basic approach would be to export the table to Excel, fill in the values and then reload the QVW with the updated Excel.
You may also want to look into QlikMarket and search for planning tools, e.g.
Hello QLIKmsg4u:
Thanks for your help.
This is the first step, how can I save the inserted values in an external database ?
As swuehl Suggested you can export table data to excel or .qvo object and reload the document with updated file
Hello K N:
I've just tested your suggestion, the qvw stored the new values inside the document.
In which conditions can the user lose the data ?
Do I have to make a backup of any file ? ... we have QV 11 SR12 with Server & Publisher PDF
Hello K N:
One more step. I would like to change the SalesMan column by a two items group Company/SalesMan and the year column by another group Year/Month.
If I have facts table with thousands records, which is the best practise to use the INPUTFIELD ?
Thank you
In a straight table I've used INPUTSUM() ... but It's hard to add this new input field in my data model.