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In my table every record has a value in REC_TYPE of A, B, C, D.
In my dashboard, I want to always show records with values in REC_TYPE of A and B, and also default to include values of C and D.
But I want 2 check boxes:
Click Here to EXCLUDE REC_TYPE of C [ ]
Click Here to EXCLUDE REC_TYPE of D [ ]
Please advise a neat way to do this, or point me to the correct place on this forum.
Hi Richard,
One way to implement your requirement is as -
Create a Inline field with REC_TYPE with values A,B,C,D as -
and then in front end use this RecType into list-box for selection which fields to select. (Here I have considered all 4 types; you can take only specific values that you want to allow for selections like C & D only)
Then where ever your are going to use your (in Dimensions/Expressions) you can write condition to comparing with selected values of RecType.
For more understanding please find attached sample.
Hope this is useful for you. Feel free to ask further.
Prashant P Baste
Hi Richard,
One way to implement your requirement is as -
Create a Inline field with REC_TYPE with values A,B,C,D as -
and then in front end use this RecType into list-box for selection which fields to select. (Here I have considered all 4 types; you can take only specific values that you want to allow for selections like C & D only)
Then where ever your are going to use your (in Dimensions/Expressions) you can write condition to comparing with selected values of RecType.
For more understanding please find attached sample.
Hope this is useful for you. Feel free to ask further.
Prashant P Baste
Thanks for your helpful reply.
I am hoping to allow users to make a selection to reduce the amount of data presented so that I can avoid having conditional dimensions or expressions.
I believe QlikSense has a Search Exclude feature. This is what I need in my trigger action.
Maybe like attached, using a trigger action to filter your Types.
Thanks - that's the kind of thing .... but could you explain how it works ?
I don't understand how the List Box called Exclude Type is able to EXCLUDE values instead of INCLUDing them ?
I just reused the previous sample with some modifications, so the list box is using the field Rec_Type, a data island. Now check Settings - Document properties - Triggers for the trigger and action set on this field.
Ah yes - sorry I missed the trigger on the field !
So that's not what you were looking for?
Its helpful but rather too complicated for what I need to achieve.
I like to keep my models simple to ensure they can be easily supported.
So what could be more simple than a single trigger / action? Maybe just the list box with the Type values?