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Do you know any macro or trigger for clearing selection except time?
I have many charts on different layers. I want to do something when I move from one to other chart, my selection from this chart would be cleared.
Since QV11 charts have no object triggers so it's not possible to have an action or macro executed when you move from one chart to another. If layers means sheets then you can use a Clear Other Fields action assigned to sheet triggers. But sheet triggers may not work in the ajax client so buttons may work better.
In QV10 you can use the object triggers to add a Clear Other Fields action.
Thanks for reply,
I have text object with set variable vSelection for each chart.(Each chart has conditional)
I should list all possible fields for each text object?
So, U need to clear all (by using trigger), when you move to the next sheet,
Then try like this.
1. Right click on the sheet, and select properties.
2. Click on last tab, Trigger.
3. Select the 2nd option Add Action (OnLeaveSheet).
4.Click on OK.
5. Click on Add button.
6. Select Action Type : Selection and Action : Clear All, click OK.
It will automatically clear all fields, when you move to the any sheet (when u leave sheet).
Based on pavan kumar suggestion you clear all fields using trigger for setting the selection in time field you select any one of the value in the time field and then
Right Click->Properties->General ->Choose the always one selected value so that your clear all option will not clear the time field
Hope it will help you
Thanks and regards,
If you are using the fat-client or IE-Plugin you could use macros und read which object is active (or minimized/maximized) - see in APIGuide.qvw for examples like this:
rem ** minimize all active sheet objects on active sheet **
set s=ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet
for i=lbound(objs) to ubound(objs)
if objs(i).IsActive then objs(i).Minimize
Alternatively you could control all moving, visibilities and selections per buttons or field-selections - small additional inline-table with the chart-names within a listbox.
- Marcus
Hello again,
I uploaded my file.
I have some charts there. When I select something in chart, I see only my selection on these charts.
But when I click on text box, my selection should removed except Time slection (MYear or Calendars)
Do you have any idea?