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Counting order rows


I need to know how many orderlines is in one order.

I have a table with orderlines. and need to know on each line how many lines there is in total in that order. regardless if just one orderline is selected.

My table has theese fields:

ordernumber, orderline number, totalorderfreight, linesum, quantity, etc.

I tried to aggregate over ordernumber and count ordernumber, but that does not work.

( aggr(count(orderline), ordernr) )

any ideas?

2 Replies
Not applicable

Hi. Try this:


count(all <OrderNo> OrderLine)

It will not be affected from a selection of a single order line. (However, it will be affected from the selection of an Order No, and will show of the number of rows of the selected Order)



Not applicable

Try this

count({1<OrderNo = {$(=only(OrderNo))}>} total OrderLine)
