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I have 2 list boxes namely year and month (that contain different year and month selections). These selections currently apply on my Order Date field.
I want to create a button or any other functionality that would allow me (or any user) to apply these selections on the Billing Date field.
OK, look at the attached sample. Regards!
Hi Rahul,
I attach you a sample. Hope it is useful!
That is the functionality I needed. But, I want it to be on the same dataset (the same table that shows the data, but the selection applies on a separate field when I press the button). Is that possible?
Yes I think thats possible. It doesnot matter the tables where the fields reside: in different or the same. Have you had any problem?
Like this??
The other field I am trying to assign the button to has only one field called Billing Date US . It is not broken down into year and period (month). Could you help me with how to do that? I am pretty new so i would like you to elaborate as much as you can. Appreciate it!
OK, look at the attached sample. Regards!
So what does the Field value and the search string value do in the Button Properties tab. Isn't that the only thing i have to look at while carrying out this functionality,
When you press the button, its functionality selects the possible values in Date1 into the Date2 field values. It does not matter what is selected in other fields.
So, will the date 1 fields be changed to different values according to the selections that are now in the date2 field.
They should right? or only those fields are selected in which both the date1 and date2 fields are same.