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Hi guys,
my data set look like this
Time Created Txn date Txn
3/24/2015 20:16:49 12/02/2014 Invoice10
3/24/2015 18:23:12 12/02/2014 invoice 13
3/24/2015 20:13:08 03/24/2015 Invoice12
3/24/2015 21:12:09 03/24/2015 Invoice35
I need to find out the last and first invoice created on last and first txn date.
Note that if more than one value (as your case) share the same sort order, the function will return null.
You need a time stamp also to make it work.
firstsortedvalue ([ distinct ] expression [, sort-weight [, n ]])
Returns the first value of expression sorted by corresponding sort-weight when expression is iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. Sort-weight should return a numeric value where the lowest value will render the corresponding value of expression to be sorted first. By preceding the sort-value expression with a minus sign, the function will return the last value instead. If more than one value of expression share the same lowest sort-order, the function will return NULL. By stating an n larger than 1, the nth value in order will be returned. If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be disregarded.
Load Customer,
firstsortedvalue(PurchasedArticle, OrderDate) as FirstProductBought from abc.csv
group by Customer;
Hi ioannis,
I can not change the load script and everything has to be done in expression it self.
I have time stamp as i have mentioned in my question.
But somehow I am not able to get the expression working.
Convert the timestamp into numeric value and then use SET-expession:
NUM([Time Created]) AS Time_num;
TIMESTAMP(TIMESTAMP#([Time Created], 'M/D/YYYY hh:mm:ss')) AS [Time Created], [Txn date], Txn
Time Created, Txn date, Txn
3/24/2015 20:16:49, 12/02/2014, Invoice10
3/24/2015 18:23:12, 12/02/2014, invoice 13
3/24/2015 20:13:08, 03/24/2015, Invoice12
3/24/2015 21:12:09, 03/24/2015, Invoice35
Expression then might be something like:
=ONLY( {$ <Time_num = {$(=MAX(Time_num)) }>} Txn)
Edith says: as you cannot change the script, the above will not work.
So you may create a variable:
vMaxTime to read NUM(MAX([Time Created]))
Then you may use a formula like
=ONLY( {$ <Time_num = {"$(vMaxTime)"}>} Txn)
HTH Peter
a sample would help
Hi Peter,
This may not work because because the first transaction may have the latest Time created but last Txn date. So basically what I need is to first sort by Txndate and then sort by Time Created to get the first transaction.
num(Timestamp(Timestamp#(TimeCreated,'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss'),'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss'))as T_Date
Inline [
TimeCreated , TxnDate , Txn
3/24/2015 20:16:49 , 12/02/2014 , Invoice10
3/24/2015 18:23:12 , 12/02/2014 , invoice 13
3/24/2015 20:13:08 , 03/24/2015 , Invoice12
3/24/2015 21:12:09 , 03/24/2015 , Invoice35
FirstSortedValue(Txn,T_Date) as TD
Resident TAB group by Txn ;
EXIT Script;
may be helpful
Please check the edit-version of my comment,
would work similar then with Txn-Date and will require some additional statement for the first, this goes analogue to this.