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Qlikview formatting of dates is probably the most complicated thing in the tool...
I have a generated calendar which creates fields like that (based on vMinDate and vMaxDate)
Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as DAY_CALENDAR,
Year(Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1)) & '/' & Num(Month(Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1)),'00') as MONTH_CALENDAR
AutoGenerate 1
While $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate);
I would like to add a formatted string field containing the MONTH_CALENDAR in the format MMMM YYYY (April 2015 for example)
How can i do to convert the Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) into a formatted string ?
HI :
This is my calendar:
Num(Date(Fecha, 'YYYY/MM/DD')) as FechaOrd,
Date(Fecha, 'YYYY/MM/DD') as Fecha,
Date(Fecha, 'YYYY/MM/DD') as FechaCambio,
year(Fecha) as Año,
num(month(Fecha)) as Mes,
day(Fecha) as Dia,
weekyear(Fecha) + Week(Fecha)/100 as Semana,
num(WeekDay(Fecha)) as DiaSemanaNum,
Applymap('Dias',num(WeekDay(Fecha))) as NombreDia,
Applymap('Days',num(WeekDay(Fecha))) as DayName,
Applymap('DiasL',num(WeekDay(Fecha))) as NombreDiaL,
Applymap('DaysL',num(WeekDay(Fecha))) as DayNameL,
Applymap('Meses',num(Month(Fecha))) as NombreMes,
Applymap('Months',num(Month(Fecha))) as MonthName,
Applymap('MesesL',num(Month(Fecha))) as NombreMesL,
Applymap('MonthsL',num(Month(Fecha))) as MonthNameL,
'T' & ceil(month(Fecha)/3) as Trimestre,
'Q' & ceil(month(Fecha)/3) as Quarter,
year(Fecha) * 12 + num(Month(Fecha)) as AñoMesOrd,
Applymap('Meses',num(Month(Fecha))) & chr(39) & (year(Fecha) - 2000) as AñoMes,
Applymap('Months',num(Month(Fecha))) & chr(39) & (year(Fecha) - 2000) as YearMonth,
InYearToDate(Fecha, today(), 0) * (-1) as %f_YTD,
InYearToDate(Fecha, today(), -1) * (-1) as %f_LYTD,
InMonthToDate(Fecha,today(),0) * (-1) as %f_MTD,
InMonthToDate(Fecha,today(),-12) * (-1) as %f_LYMTD,
InWeek(Fecha,today(),-1) * (-1) as %f_PreviousWeek,
InWeek(Fecha,today(),0) * (-1) as %f_ThisWeek,
IF (Date(Fecha, 'YYYY/MM/DD') = Date(Today(), 'YYYY/MM/DD'), 1, 0) as %f_Today
Hope this helps you
Date(Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1),'MMMM YYYY') as myMonth_Calendar
Let us know.
In script you have SET DateFormat change it to 'MMMM YYYY'
that's a good example
but is there a field where you have a text date in the format MMM or MMMM YYYY ?
it is not possible to take the format-code to convert from date to string ?
The Mapping Tables contain
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Translated into spanish as well; and more mapping tables for months.
The fields YearMonth and AñoMes content Jan'2015 or Ene'2015 ... and so on !!!
If you need some more, please ask me
No it doesn't work, it shows the same month for all months ... strange
You need mapping tables
LOAD Inline
Day, DayName
1, Mon
2. Tue
LOAD Inline
Day, DayName
1, Monday
2. Tuesday
The equivalent for months as well ... in my example are translated into spanish too
The field
Applymap('Months',num(Month(Fecha))) & chr(39) & (year(Fecha) - 2000) as YearMonth,
has format Jan'15
If you modify the sentence to
Applymap('Months',num(Month(Fecha))) & ' ' & (year(Fecha)) as YearMonth
it will have format Jan 2015
Is this what you need ?
Hi Frédéric, it should be:
Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1, 'MMMM YYYY') as MonthYear
or if you want the month starting uppercase:
Capitalize(Date($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1, 'MMMM YYYY')) as MonthYear