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Hi All,
i have a change request data for each change number has a Start date and End date . iam actually trying to generate the weekend dates between start and end date for each change number where the weekend should be less than end date, im using below script , but its not working, please suggest me how to achieve the same.
LOAD [Change Number],
Date([Scheduled Start (UTC)]+iterno()-1) as Date
resident GCIO while [Scheduled Start (UTC)]+IterNo()-1 <=[Scheduled End (UTC)];
left join (GCIO_All_Dates_Temp)
Load [Change Number],
Date(Max(Date)) as Max_Date
Resident GCIO_All_Dates_Temp group by [Change Number] ;
LOAD [Change Number],
WeekEnd(Date,0,0) as GCIO_Weekend_Date
Resident GCIO_All_Dates_Temp while WeekEnd(Date,0,0) < Max_Date ;
Drop Table GCIO_All_Dates_Temp;
tweak this to your requirements and see if it will work:
load * where match(Day,'Sat','Sun')>0;
load date(start+iterno()-1) as Dt, weekday(date(start+iterno()-1)) as Day
while date(start+iterno()-1) < end
load * inline [
start, end
5/1/2020, 10/4/2020
tweak this to your requirements and see if it will work:
load * where match(Day,'Sat','Sun')>0;
load date(start+iterno()-1) as Dt, weekday(date(start+iterno()-1)) as Day
while date(start+iterno()-1) < end
load * inline [
start, end
5/1/2020, 10/4/2020
it will only give you weekends