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Hi Everyone some days ago i did ask a similar question and got very useful feedback, I hope i can get some help again
The scenario is similar, on a straight table, I have grouped rows on each row, since its dimention is based on Date, (ex. Quarter Hour, Day, etc)
Now the problems is that in an expression, no mater what is the dimention grouping (by Quarter Hour or Day) I must calculate a sum based on the following criteria:
Then is that is met, calculate the sum of (ContacDuration) or the (IsInQueue = 1) between the:
Max(${<ContactStateID = 4>} ContactStartDateQH)
Min(${<IsInqueue = 1>} ContactStartDateQH)
The previous filter I created it the following way:
ContactStartDateQH = {"= ContactStartDateQH < max({$<ContactStateID={4}>} ContactStartDateQH ) "}
,ContactStartDateQH = {"= ContactStartDateQH >= max({$<IsInQueue = {1}>} ContactStartDateQH ) "}
,IsInQueue = {1}
The wrapping it around an Aggr function, but the problem is that if I take each of the filters out, they behave as expected, the Max{$<>} get the max from the current group and so does the Min{$<>}, but when they are combined, it brakes.
I have tried to come up with some sort of
ContactStartDateQH = {">= Max{$<....>}ContactStartDateQH < Min({$<...>} ContactStartDateQH ) "}
,IsInQueue = {1}
But I got 0 results back.
I am attaching a file that reflects 100% the scenario that I am working on if you want to play with it
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments about the best way to create this, dynamically grouped filter
i changed a little bit your expressions formulas
have a look
hope its helps you
By the way, I tried to include another Expression with the following code:
concat({$<IsInqueue = {1}>}ContactDurationQH, ',')
To show the records that poteentially could be taken in consideration for the SUM, but the call is returning weirds results, since is not filtering correctly:
What could be the reason for this?
i changed a little bit your expressions formulas
have a look
hope its helps you
Thanks a lot Liron your suggestion definately helps, I just have one more question, inside the logic you have this:
ContactStartDateQH = {"<$(=max({$<ContactStateID={4}>} ContactStartDateQH )) >=$(= min({$<IsInQueue = {1}>} ContactStartDateQH )) "}
which means
ContactStartDateQH = < X >=X
That is just fine, but I was performing a fulltest with this logic and found a case where I needed it to be
ContactStartDateQH = <= X >=X
and then I changed it to be <=, but this broke the logic and now its giving wrong, results, how would you arrange the logic so both <= and >= are considered in the filter?
Thanks in advance for all the time, I really appreciate it.
You are right, maybe i did something else while testing it.
Thanks a lot, it works perfectly now.