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Contributor III
Contributor III

How to connect QV to MYSQL hosted on another server

Hi we have some time using QV, now we like to expand the QV usage by accesing some data on MYSQL, someone can please tell me which are the steps to connect to a MYSQL database hosted on another server.

Thanks for your help,

Camilo Lund R.

4 Replies
Not applicable

That's a good question and I'd like to know as well. I guess a textfile or csv file export first from MySQL and then importing these files into Qlikview could be an option.

However I hope that more elegant solutions are out there??



Not applicable

Hello, I did a mysql connection once and I do not remember the details, but I remember I got an odbc connector from the mysql site, once you have you can configure and odbc datasource. As i said before, I do not quite remember the configuration on the odbc, but I am almost sure that you can type the ip address of the remote server. Hmmm... I almost forgot, one thing I noticed is that you can't use the wizard to explore the tables and fields from the mysql db, for some reason they just do not appear, so you have to do all the sql selects by hand.

Hope this helps.


Not applicable

1. Install the mySQL ODBC driver to create a new mySQL ODBC connection

2. Define the settings for the ODBC connection. Note: you can use a FQDN or an IP address or a web address for the Server

3. Access the ODBC connection in the Script dialog in Qlikview as per any other live data source

4. Load, Store and access tables as per any other data source!

Not applicable

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the information. Is it possible to perform joins in the loadscript with this driver?

Any other driver limitations you know of?

Thx again
