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Hello friends,
I am trying genarate chart on the basis of end user's dimentison selection , in short i wish to pass dimention of the chart as a parameter e.g. I am using $Field in multibox and as end user i an select any one field in drop down list. How to transfer this selected field as chart dimension. ?
Create a varaible
In the chart Dimension define the calc dimension as =$(v1)
Thank you so much Prabhu Pandian i was missing $ and just putting name of variable. Now i have some other issue,
when i am selecting any field, which has numaric value e.g. Company Code which has valuse as 1000,1100,4000 etc. whenever i select this, it gives Error In Calculated dimention , how to fix it
Hi Rahul
Please find attached image,
go to Enable Conditional option and apply condition as
=SubStringCount(Concat( dimension from multibox, '|'), 'Customer')
Hope you understand.....
For more detail
go to C:\Program Files\QlikView\Examples\Documents and find What new in QlikView11 Application.
In Report tab of this application have logic that you want.
- Regards,
Vishal Waghole
Why dont u put all the dimensions in a cyclic group and try? It is similar to what u require.
Ravi N.
Please refer this application...
It should work fine Rahul.
If possible share the app, will figure out.
Actually i wish to give liberty to end user to select fields in dimension & expressions as per his/her wish.
Its working some time and gives error at some time
Ok, fine, getfieldselections($fields) be your dimension..