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Specialist III
Specialist III

How to make a simple qlikview application?

Hi all,

I just want to know how can i make a simple qlikview application. and what are the steps from the begining please help me out.
and what are software should i have.
Please guide me step by step.

Initialy i have sql server database .


6 Replies

You need to cater all the requirements from users.

You need to frame Flow Charts along with Which Dimensions user can see views.

you need to identify the dimensions and facts tables

You need to take live connectivity with software or  periodical backup.

you need to write a script from sql server to pull all the data.

You need to check whether Implement Incremental Load

You need to schedule the jobs in sql

you need to  write QVD generator if incremental load is implement

You need to design views as per users requirements.

Hope this will guide you. Good Luck


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If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi, Agnivesh.

Rather than someone explain in a rather laborious way what you need to do, I would recommend the free training available on the QlikView website to get hands-on practice.

QlikView Free Training - Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Software Solutions | QlikView

This should provide you with the basics to get going.




I think the most simple app can be built like

1) Install QlikView Personal Edition

2) Open QlikView Windows Application, create new empty document.

3) Enter Script editor CTRL-E

4) Press ALT - I - T to create a test script (or Insert test script from menu)

5) Run the script CTRL - R (give file name to save application)

6) Create charts / list boxes

If you don't know QV, download the tutorial first (available from the download site), attend the free training classes

Specialist II
Specialist II

Hi Kumar,

Refer to Below Link

Hope it help


Specialist III
Specialist III

First create a DSN for SQL Server.

Create a new Qlikview Applicaion and then connect the DB with ODBC connection and fetch the data from SQL.

Then you make your application as per your necessity.

Hope it helps you.

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi, Agnivash.

One thing I forgot to mention:

It's important to get your data model correct at the start otherwise it could lead to all sorts of headaches further through the project

Have a look at

