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Creator III
Creator III

Input Box Date Range

All - Dos anyone have any solid working solution that will select a date range based on a user input into a "Input Box"?

Many users are technically challneged and having an easy box for start and end would help, the slider seems to complicated

7 Replies
Not applicable

I'm not sure what is your definition of a "solid working solution"... The attached example is showing how to select a date range based on a user input into a "Input Box". Actually, two "calendar objects" instead of the input boxes. If you wish, you can use input boxes here.
(My own definition of a "solid working solution" - use selections in the fields (year, month, date). No input boxes, no macros.)

Creator III
Creator III

Michael, I completely agree, the best solution is to click. Some users just cnanot grasp it, I dont know why, they just cant..

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

If you use input boxes instead of Calendar objects, you'll have to do some validation. Here's an example using input boxes that validates for:

- Correct date format
- Date with possible range
- Start < End


Creator III
Creator III

Rob, I cant seem to change this to use MonthYear..any idas

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

What part(s) are you having trouble with, validating the input or making the selection?

Can you upload your sample?


Not applicable


Using your Example Posted Here, If you select Jan as a month shouldnt all the Dates in JAN Go green Instead of White (available to be selected from) or am i understanding this wrong


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Add the dateChange as an OnChange event to correct this.
