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I need to create a Line chart with the given values into the table:
The Pivot Table works fine, but when I change the view to Line Chart, for some reason the values are not display as the REAL column.
I need to create two separate charts
1) With the REAL value of the month
2) With the REAL Full Accumulation from the previous month
Please Help
Thanks in advance
Hi @Barry-Gon, the issue is that line chart is sorted by month-year (instead of the year-month used in pivot), so the Above() will get the previous year, not the previous month.
The count of days can be easily switched using another kind of expression that doesn't uses Above(), like:
=Floor(MonthEnd(MakeDate(Año, Mes_Num)))- YearStart(MakeDate(Año))+1
The amount con be trickier, you can use an as-of calendar to do the accumulations of each month https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-Design-Blog/The-As-Of-Table/ba-p/1466130
But in this case another solution can be having the calculated value for max year and another for the previous, like:
MontoUSDYTD: =rangesum(above(TOTAL If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año),(sum({ <[Escenario] = {'REAL'},[Concepto01]={'Egresos'} > }MontoUSD ) / vDivision),0),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
MontoUSDLYTD: =rangesum(above(TOTAL If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año)-1,(sum({ <[Escenario] = {'REAL'},[Concepto01]={'Egresos'} > }MontoUSD ) / vDivision),0),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
And use an If()in REAL expression to pick one or the other:
=Num((If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año),MontoUSDYTD, MontoUSDLYTD)/DiasDelMes1) , vFormatoInd)
Hi @Barry-Gon, the issue is that line chart is sorted by month-year (instead of the year-month used in pivot), so the Above() will get the previous year, not the previous month.
The count of days can be easily switched using another kind of expression that doesn't uses Above(), like:
=Floor(MonthEnd(MakeDate(Año, Mes_Num)))- YearStart(MakeDate(Año))+1
The amount con be trickier, you can use an as-of calendar to do the accumulations of each month https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-Design-Blog/The-As-Of-Table/ba-p/1466130
But in this case another solution can be having the calculated value for max year and another for the previous, like:
MontoUSDYTD: =rangesum(above(TOTAL If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año),(sum({ <[Escenario] = {'REAL'},[Concepto01]={'Egresos'} > }MontoUSD ) / vDivision),0),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
MontoUSDLYTD: =rangesum(above(TOTAL If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año)-1,(sum({ <[Escenario] = {'REAL'},[Concepto01]={'Egresos'} > }MontoUSD ) / vDivision),0),0,RowNo(TOTAL)))
And use an If()in REAL expression to pick one or the other:
=Num((If(Año=Max(TOTAL Año),MontoUSDYTD, MontoUSDLYTD)/DiasDelMes1) , vFormatoInd)
Thank you @rubenmarin it works perfect for two years. Now I have the question below https://community.qlik.com/t5/New-to-QlikView/Line-Chart-max-year-and-min-year-behavior/m-p/1779487#...
Thanks in advance