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Listbox "bin" or "range" selection

Hi All,

Im trying to create a quick selection list box which represents a range.  For example:

The data is as follows:

Dimension, Percent Compliant

Rule1, -.01

Rule2, -.05

Rule3, -.1

I have the following 2 variables:

varA = -.05

varB = 0

In the listbox, i'd like 3 values to be displayed based on these variables:

'< -.05'

'>= -.05 AND < 0'

'>= 0'

the variables represent an expression of =avg([Percent Compliant])

So that when a user selects '< -.05',  all dimesions where avg([Percent Compliant]) < -.05 are reflected.  In this case, "Rule1".

Ive tried the "CLASS()" function, but this seems to only allow "equal" bin widths.

Also, I do not want to create fields/flags in the load script, as I want the user to be able to modify the variables and have the listboxes be dynamic.




2 Replies
Master II
Master II

I came up with a way to do this a while ago--very complicated to say the least. It's a bit tricky posting external links on QlikCommunity (requires moderator approval, which can take days), but you can find it by googling Infinity Insight dynamic bucketing

Hope this is what you were looking for.



Specialist II
Specialist II

create a list box, using the bellow expression

IF([Percent Compliant] < $(varA), '<$(varA)',

   IF([Percent Compliant]>= $(varA) and [Percent Compliant] < $(varB),'>=$(varA) and < $(varB)',>=$(varB)))

