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i'm using a master calendar on the basis of days. I want to have a finer granularity and be able to present aggr values on basis 'hour'.
A similar issue was already discussed here : http://community.qlik.com/message/106585#106585
What I've already prepared is a timestamp in the correct format:
Timestamp(alt(num#(Schichtdatum,'#','.',','),Timestamp#(Schichtdatum, 'DD.MM.YYYY hh'))) as Schichtdatum_Stunde_alt
Please give me a hint how to go on!
Here is the code im using to connect days:
num(min(Schichtdatum)) as MinDate,
num(max(Schichtdatum)) as MaxDate
resident Auftragsdaten_BDE;
let varMinDate = peek('MinDate');
let varMaxDate = peek('MaxDate');
$(varMinDate) + RowNo() - 1 AS DateNumber,
Date($(varMinDate) + RowNo() - 1) AS TempDate
WHILE $(varMinDate)+IterNo()-1 <= $(varMaxDate);
date(TempDate, '$(DateFormat)') AS Schichtdatum,
date(TempDate, '$(DateFormat)') AS CalDate,
Weekday(TempDate) AS WeekDay,
Week(TempDate) AS Week,
Day(TempDate) AS Day,
Month(TempDate) AS Month,
'Q' & ceil(month(TempDate) / 3) AS Quarter,
Year(TempDate) AS Year,
Week(TempDate)&'-'&Year(TempDate) AS CWeekYear,
Date(monthstart(TempDate), 'MMM-YY') AS MonthYear,
'Q' & ceil(month(TempDate) / 3)&'-'&Year(TempDate) AS QuarterYear
RESIDENT Temp_Calendar ORDER BY TempDate ASC;
DROP TABLE Temp_Calendar;
In order to create your calendar it is better to use numeric format than date format.
Today is day 41317. Tomorrow will be 41318. It means that 1 hour = 1/24
So your Autogenerate should be [ ($(varMaxDate) - $(varMinDate) + 1)*24 ] => number of hours between this two dates.
Then, instead of adding only => "+ RowNo()" you should add => "+ RowNo()/24".
the referenced thread should already give you an idea of how to do this, just replace the magic numbers for seconds (24*60*60 resp 24/60/60) with the magic number for hours (24) in a day.
In addition, when comparing floating point numbers (that's what you want to do when linking your hour based calendar to your timestamp), make sure that both numbers are created / rounded the same way. Please check
In order to create your calendar it is better to use numeric format than date format.
Today is day 41317. Tomorrow will be 41318. It means that 1 hour = 1/24
So your Autogenerate should be [ ($(varMaxDate) - $(varMinDate) + 1)*24 ] => number of hours between this two dates.
Then, instead of adding only => "+ RowNo()" you should add => "+ RowNo()/24".
Does this solves your problem?
If yes kindly close the post by marking it answered.