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Memory issue (?) with Qlikview pivot chart


I have run into the dreaded X on a relatively small pivot chart. The chart has 10 dimensions on the left and three along the top (the top ones are product group, product sub-group and product name). There is just one simple expression, which is Sum(sales).

There are only 200 rows of data in the pivot chart and the data displays perfecty okay, allowing selections. But when I right-click one of the columns and select Collapse All, the dreaded X appears. It just hangs and won't recalculate.

qv memory issue.jpg

This isn't a memory issue (small app, loads of memory on the server), nor are there any complicated expressions in the chart. I can happily collapse individual rows and it copes fine. It's only when I 'collapse all' that this comes up.

The error happens whether I access the app via browser, or directly in Qlikview Desktop

Has anyone experienced this before? Are there any tips for getting round this error?

With thanks


Running QV Server & Desktop 10 SR1

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