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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Oracle ODBC Query Performance

We are working with a large Oracle 11G database and are experiencing some "slow" query performance when using QlikView (with associated ODBC Connection) against some very large (both length and width) tables.

Are there any benchmarks / best practices avalable for how we may be able to imprve performance on these queries...we are looking at Fetch Buffer Size and Cache Buffer Size options...does anybody have some good insight into what the positives and negatives are for making changes here?

Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated!


John Horner

2 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


I received a recommendation from someone experienced with Oracle that OLEDB was faster than ODBC.


Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Agree with Rob, OleDB should in almost all cases be faster than ODBC, so start with that one. Secondly, a plain sql statement is of course faster than a more complex one so it could be a good thing to do all the transformation of data (like date,cast,substr functions) in a load statement instead (ie first store the plain data in qvd and then load and transform the data from the qvd file). It is always a matter of testing and desciding if it is total Qv load time or db select time that is most important.

If you go outside the Qlikview world I guess you'll find many posts on oracle forums about what function beats a similiar.