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I am using Qlik sense sentiment analysis connector. whenever I am passing the data .this error is shown.Error: Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long
May be this:
If you are using text data from a source which is not already URL encoded you will need a script similar to the following to URL encode the text before sending it to the sentiment analyzer.
Sub urlEncode(str)
let str=replace(str, '%', '%25'); // should be first
let str=replace(str, '#', '%23');
let str=replace(str, ' ', '%20');
let str=replace(str, '$', '%24');
let str=replace(str, '&', '%26');
let str=replace(str, '+', '%2B');
let str=replace(str, ',', '%2C');
let str=replace(str, '/', '%2F');
let str=replace(str, '\', '%5C');
let str=replace(str, ':', '%3A');
let str=replace(str, ';', '%3B');
let str=replace(str, '=', '%3D');
let str=replace(str, '?', '%3F');
let str=replace(str, '@', '%40');
let str=replace(str, '[', '%5B');
let str=replace(str, ']', '%5D');
let str=replace(str, '>', '%3E');
let str=replace(str, '<', '%3C');
let str=replace(str, chr(10), '%0A'); // Line feed.
let str=replace(str, chr(39), '%27'); // 39 Apostrophe
End sub
LET noRows = NoOfRows('Timeline');
for i=0 to $(noRows)-1
let text = peek('text', $(i), 'Timeline');
let textEncoded = text;
call urlEncode(textEncoded);
'$(text)' as text, // Use this if you want to link your table on the text
status as sentiment_status,
score as sentiment_score
(html, utf8, embedded labels, table is @1);
URL encoding should be done using UTF-8.