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Hey group quick easy question for you. I am using the SAPCONNECTOR to generate my SQL code here is a sample of my select stmt does anyone see anything wrong with it? Is the table name too long? That is what I am starting to think.
Thanks. I am using the SAP Connector to generate the SQL code. What I did find out though CREATID is a reserved word in Qlikview. I changed the name to Z_CREATID and it works fine. Thanks for your help.
Do you have commas between the fields, or do they just not show in your post?
Are you getting an error when try to load?
Also, have you tried using the script builder to build your queries? It is a wonderful tool.
Thanks. I am using the SAP Connector to generate the SQL code. What I did find out though CREATID is a reserved word in Qlikview. I changed the name to Z_CREATID and it works fine. Thanks for your help.
Hi all,
Sap latest connector not allowing me to picked the cubes records after 2,39,400 3 times i have tested this , can i picked the sap cubes data through any other way out
can anyone help me it very urgent. please send me the syntax also my cube is like that.
Load *;
Select PseudoMDX (
Dimensions (
[0ACCT_TYPE] (),
[0AC_DOC_TYP] (),
[0DOC_DATE] (),
[0POST_KEY] (),
Measures (
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0DEB9CRE9LC00000000000000], //Amount in Local Currency with +/- Signs
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0DSC9AMT9DC00000000000000], //Cash discount amount in document currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0DSC9AMT9LC00000000000000], //Cash discount amount in local currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0CREDIT9DC000000000000000], //Credit amount in foreign currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0CREDIT9LC000000000000000], //Credit amount in local currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0DEBIT9DC0000000000000000], //Debit amount in foreign currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0DEBIT9LC0000000000000000], //Debit amount in local currency
[0MEASURES0000000000000000].[0NETTAKEN0000000000000000]), //Net period used
From ($0FIAR_C03));
In our company we chose to go with the underlying DSOs and tables instead of using the cubes. Not only was it faster to process for us, but it gave us more control.
How we linked the Dimesion table with the measures tables.through DSO connection only show fact table not the other tables.