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I am trying to set up Incremental Loading with SQL 2005. It keeps on failing when comparing the exec time with the changedate field in the table. Format of field in the table is:
2/2/2010 12:00:00 AM
Current Script:
FROM epicor904.dbo.orderhed
where voidorder='0' and (changedate <= $(LastExecTime)
AND changedate < $(ThisExecTime)
Concatenate LOAD company,
requestdate FROM ....
Inner Join SQL SELECT ordernum FROM epicor904.dbo.orderhed;
If ScriptErrorCount = 0 then
STORE Order1 into......;
Let LastExecTime = Now()//ThisExecTime
End If
This is the Log File:
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: Execution started.
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: QlikView Version:11.00.11282.0
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: CPU Target x64
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: Operating System Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: Wow64 mode Not using Wow64
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: MDAC Version 6.1.7601.17514
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: MDAC Full Install Version 6.1.7601.17514
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: PreferredCompression 2
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: EnableParallelReload 1
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: ParallelizeQvdLoads 1
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: AutoSaveAfterReload 0
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: BackupBeforeReload 1
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: EnableFlushLog 0
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: SaveInfoWhenSavingFile 0
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: UserLogfileCharset 0
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: OdbcLoginTimeout -1
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: OdbcConnectionTimeout -1
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: ScriptWantsDbWrite false
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: ScriptWantsExe false
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: LogFile CodePage Used: 1252
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0002 SET ThousandSep=','
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0003 SET DecimalSep='.'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0004 SET MoneyThousandSep=','
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0005 SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0006 SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0007 SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0008 SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0009 SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0010 SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0011 SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0013 Let ThisExecTime = now()
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0018 OLEDB CONNECT*Provider*XPassword*
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0019 Order1:
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0020
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0021
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0022 SQL SELECT
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0023 company,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0024 custnum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0025 orderdate,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0026 shpconnum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0027 salesreplist,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0028 openorder,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0029 orderamt,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0030 changedate,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0031 ponum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0032 shiptonum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0033 ordernum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0034 requestdate
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0035 FROM epicor904.dbo.orderhed
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0036 where voidorder='0'
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0037 and (changedate <= 4/30/2012 12:17:27 PM
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0038 AND changedate < 4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0039 )
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0043 Concatenate LOAD company,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0044 custnum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0045 orderdate,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0046 shpconnum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0047 salesreplist,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0048 openorder,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0049 orderamt,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0050 changedate,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0051 ponum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0052 shiptonum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0053 ordernum,
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0054 requestdate FROM .........
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 0055 WHERE NOT EXISTS(ordernum)
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: 12 fields found: company, custnum, orderdate, shpconnum, salesreplist, openorder, orderamt, changedate, ponum, shiptonum, ordernum, requestdate, General Script Error
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: Execution Failed
4/30/2012 12:20:46 PM: Execution finished.
If I comment Out and (changedate <= $(LastExecTime)
AND changedate < $(ThisExecTime)
then it loads fine. I can't figure out what to fix...
Also if I try in the front end
I return 1 for all rows. So it knows it is comparing right during development just just on the SQL select.
I seem to have gotten it to work. At the moment I am not exactly sure how, but it is haha.