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Good morning everyone,
Question for you. I have this straight table and I only want to show it when a refund amount is greater than zero.....any ideas?
You mean you want to hide and show the straight table? If yes, then in your chart properties - Layout Tab - Conditional Check box. Write like
= Sum(RefundedSalesAmount) > 0
Change the field name as you used in your straight table expr. Not sure so just named RefundedSalesAmount. Hope you get it.
You can see I have columns with a refund amount and columns where refund amount is equal to 0. I only want to show the customers who have a refund amount greater than 0.
Try adding a dimension like the following and check "Suppress When Value is Null" box on the dimensions tab.
=If(Aggr(Sum([Refund Amount]),SortedBy,Customers)<>0,1)
I have guessed at your field names
And on the presentation tab hide the dimension column that has been added
Create an aggr dimension like below then check supress null values
= Aggr(If(Sum(refundAmount) >0, SortedBy), SortedBy)