hello Qlikview addict,
I'm trying in QV 10 to make a slight modification of the macro used in
Dynamic chart qlikview application.
I need to set the properties of expression to Time and 'hh:mm' format.
The example i have got is for fixed decimal format like blelow :
set np = p.Expressions.Item(0).Item(0).data.axisData.NumberPresentation
np.Dec = "."
np.Fmt = "# ##0.0' -- i would like "hh:mm"
np.Type = 11 -- i would like time format
I have found out the good solution.
np =exprs.item(i).item(0).Data.ExpressionVisual.NumberPresentation
np.fmt = "hh:mm"
np.Type = 4
i was worng with (axisData.NumberPresentation)
Thinks for your help