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hi folks,
In my data, there have some date in one week.
I want get the gap between the max date with min date in same week . look the template. it means max date data minus min date data in this week by week dimension. how to write the expression?
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum(Sales), Week,Date),-Date)
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum(Sales), Week,Date),Date)
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum(Sales), Week,Date),-Date)
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum(Sales), Week,Date),Date)
Hi Tressco,
look my expression, but it is not works for my real data,no any data display. is there any condition for this fucnction (FirstSortedValue)?
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum([Secured Amount]), Week,[SNP Process Date]),-[SNP Date])
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum([Secured Amount]), Week,[SNP Process Date]),[SNP Date])
Do you have two different dates - [SNP Process Date] and [SNP Date] ? I guess you have to use one date field in both the places in the expression.
Hi Kevin,
I think Tresesco is so good, and if you can make sure the Date is a distinct value, no any repeat date in one week.
Then I think the formula also can be :
why not [SNP Process Date], is it different?
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum([Secured Amount]), Week,[SNP Process Date]),-[SNP Process Date])
FirstSortedValue(Aggr(Sum([Secured Amount]), Week,[SNP Process Date]),[SNP Process Date])
thanks, it should one name.
thank you, it's should one name, just write wrong.
Aiolos ,(changjun?)
hope you are well!
what's means no any repeat date? the template is simple, but in my real data there have many dimension, so it means many row base on dimension in one date.
Hi Tresesco,
looks the issue is date not distinct, like Aiolos said. but my real data have many dimension. so one date has many row data. I have update a new template. can you help check again?