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Hi guys,
is it possible to show the bar chart legend as the attachment image?
Hi edp.
Try to change chart type to (combo chart) add the second expression with dual function, like in attached file.
Yes, in the Tab "Number" of the chart select your format and before it write your text, something like
'MyTest' & ###.#
let me know
...Maybe I didn't explain very well...I'd like to show a text associated to the expression without compromise the number format; the attached example perhaps shows much better what I'm looking for...a free text associated to each expression and shown for each bar.
Hope it's clear now.
Create a new expression with your calculation and under expression uncheck all display options except symbol, change it to symbol you'd like to use.
In another sense you can keep your current expressions, but add a new one with a different option selected and set bar to invisible.
Try with this
Hi edp.
Try to change chart type to (combo chart) add the second expression with dual function, like in attached file.
The closest you can get is put the text in the expression label and the click on "Text on axis" :
one solution could be to create dual values in your expression:
hope this helps
The dual function formats underlying numerical values with a textual representation of your choice.
See help:
dual( s , x )
Forced association of an arbitrary string representation s with a given number representation x. In QlikView, when several data items read into one field have different string representations but the same valid number representation, they will all share the first string representation encountered. This function can be used in scripts and chart expressions.
In scripting, the dual function is typically used early in the script, before other data is read into the field concerned, in order to create that first string representation, which will be shown in list boxes etc.
If a dual value is too large to fit in a field object, it will be represented by ## and not truncated with ... like a string.
Example (scripting):
load dual ( string,numrep ) as DayOfWeek inline
[ string,numrep
Sunday,6 ];
load Date, weekday(Date) as DayOfWeek from afile.csv;
The script example will generate a field DayOfWeek with the weekdays written in clear text. QlikView will for all purposes regard the field as a numeric field.
QlikView 11.20 SR9
Thank you so much for your very elegant solution and thank all the others for the help.