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help using connection string in script instead of putting qvw on remote desktop

Hi, there is a remote desktop I can login to using the microsoft remote desktop connection program.  It is at ip 12.345.789.100, my username is domain\username, and my password is password.  (fake info, but sorry if someone actually has that ip address.)

I can put qlikviews on this desktop that read files from folders on it, the same as I can from my local desktop.

I would like to make it so these qlikviews can run from my local desktop.

What is the connection string that I can put at the start of my script to accomplish connection to that ip with that user id and pw?


Edit: here's an example connection string we have for connecting to databases, just trying to get a 'dumb-down' variation of this for connecting to a regular remote desktop environment.

OLEDB CONNECT TO [Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=$(DbUserId);Initial Catalog=$(DbInitialCatalog);Data Source=$(DbConnStr);Failover Partner=123.456.789.100;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=CO-Qlikview;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False] (XPassword is $(DbXPassword));

PS> I actually have two remote desktop environments with a shared trust and no need to userid/pw between them - I just use ip\drivename\foldernames\filename in my from statements on qlikviews working between those desktops so they know which machine's folders they are reading.  My local desktop is part of a different domain within the company and requires the userid\pw to login to those remote desktops.  Server Administrator explained a bit to me and told me I could play around with QV's login capabilities since he couldn't put my machine onto the same domain/trust stuff as the servers.  (He's a guru, but hasn't worked with qlikview himself, so deferred the learning of this to me. )

2 Replies
Not applicable

You can share the folders on the remote servers and you need to enter your windows account on read access at least. \\servername\foldername\

You can directly use UNC path in the script on your local computer.

If you don't know how to share the folders on the server, you can talk to IT admin people and they will do for you.


Thanks, I can share folders between my two different remote desktop ips, but unable to do so from my local machine because it is on a different domain for reasons and will not be a part of the shared trust the remote desktops are on.

I'm trying to replace the procedure of manually connecting to the remote desktops with a Qlikview connection string.

I am expecting if I can accomplish that connection within the qlikview at the start, I will be able to use the  \\servername\foldername\ bit in my subsequent file loads' from statements to access the data there.  (Much the same as qlikviews we have that connect to databases with certain username and password, and reference the catalog and tables in their subsequent from statements.)