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I meet a problem, when I turn on webview, the macro don't work .
please see my attchment.
Thanks a lot !
Most of the macros don't work within the webview or AJAX clients because it's just html + javascript.
- Marcus
Is there any solution for just this issue?
You need to keep it within the desktop-mode or using the IE plugin (by using server + access point) - otherwise you could only use the manually options of sending to excel or copy & paste.
An alternative might be also to store your needed data by the script-run into a csv-file which you could then open with excel.
- Marcus
Does it mean: it will be work if putting this doc on a qlikview server? (For there has IE plugin)
Could you give a sample?
thanks a lot
Yes by using the application over a server per IE plugin you could use macros.
Here an example how to store data into a csv:
load Field1, Field2, ... From YourPreparedDataSource;
store YourExportTable into YourExportTable.csv (txt);
- Marcus