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in my asp.net/mvc code i build an iframe url:
string iframeURL = ServerUrl + @"authenticate.aspx?type=html&try=/qvajaxzfc/opendoc.htm?document="
+ Document + @"&select=LBDISTRICT,Charlotte&client=AJAX&webticket=" + WebTicket;
the qvw loads in the iframe just fine. however, the select parameter is not recognized. if i put in an alert on the opendoc.htm page to display the window.location, it only shows the document location and no other parameters.
i can't get the listbox "LBDISTRICT" to set accordingly.
nevermind..figured it out.
authenticate.aspx doesn't pass the url parameters along with it. i created a hack in the document name to pass the parameter i needed and then i parse it in opendoc.htm and reset the parameter string there.
nevermind..figured it out.
authenticate.aspx doesn't pass the url parameters along with it. i created a hack in the document name to pass the parameter i needed and then i parse it in opendoc.htm and reset the parameter string there.
Hi Daniel - I'm facing the same issue, can you please elaborate on your hack? thanks!
Omar, I'm currently working through some configuration issues. Once I resolve those and ensure that my hack is working, I'll post a reply with details.
By the way, I've finally got this worked out. The issue is that URL going to the iFrame is not encoded... by simply using the urlencode() function of php, this allowed the select param through.
$tryUrl = "http://example.com/QvAJAXZfc/index.htm?document=qvapp.qvw&host=QVS@qlikserver&select=LANG,ES";
(LANG is the name of the listbox object Id here)
$tryUrlEncoded = urlencode($tryUrl);
Hi Daniel..
can you share what hack you created have same issue.
Thanks & Regards