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Hi everybody
I have a problem with section access while reduction
Actually I have an excel file and its structure is like that:
[Id Branch]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
Section Application;
And it contains AD users and groups who are supposed to see documents. The reload task runs successful but the problem is that every user whom I added to the file and is supposed to just see his related branch, see all the files (for all branched).
It gets me on a big problem, do you have any suggestion to help me out of this?
First: Use capital letters for section access. Second: Check "Reduce data according to section access" (or similar) under Settings-> Document settings -> Opening.
Use upper for field name and values in section access; more detail in the Qlik help, look for Security
Also, from Qlik Help:
In order for this procedure to take place, the option Initial Data Reduction Based on Section Access on the Document Properties: Opening page must be selected
Make a backup of your working .qvw before adding section access
Document Properties --> Opening tab
"Initial Data reduction based on Section Access" and "Strict Exclusion" should be checked.
This will be unchecked by default.
As people have mentioned above.
First check the your excel document.
NTNAME, should be upper and have the domain like DOMAIN\USERNAME.
Then in the document itself
Settings > Document Properties > Opening tab
Initial Data reduction based on Section Access needs to be ticked.